LPIC-I Certification: Completed!

Yesterday I received the results of my LPIC-I exam and I passed it! 🙂 Finally, after so many years not doing because I was lazy… Now in September I’ll try the LPIC-2 certification exams!

Actually, the exam was not so easy as I though. There was some questions that requires you to memorize many things. It’s the kind of exam that I really don’t like, the exam that does not show the real world for the taker. However, the questions were very concise and well balanced, and as I was talking with a guy sometime ago, the exam shows that the candidate shows interest in something, and that’s the important thing. Maybe If I study more to the next exam, I’ll do the “what is the file or command that does this very specific and exclusive thing that you’ll never use in your whole life as a Linux administrator” questions right 😛

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